Monday, May 2, 2011

Student Canteen Food Vs. Staff Canteen Food.

As you can CLEARLY see from this very... tasty looking picture on the left, student canteen food is certainly NOT top-notch-.-. 

Yeah sure, give the students some old, forgotten, moldy pizza from the cheapest pizza place you can get, but then go ahead and give the teachers some gourmet meal or whatever and make as starve-.-.

I mean come on, students actually NEED all the nutrition and proteins and stuff from good, healthy food. Our parents are not paying this school money to give us utter garbage and sludge for 'meals'.

If you think about it, teachers who are getting PAID to be in this school are also getting good meals. But US on the other hand, well we're just paying to go to school, slave, starve to death or possibly die from food poisoning and still not get nice food. 

All that speaking of food has made me starvingggg ;/

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