Monday, May 2, 2011

Do We Like the School Food?

NO WE DON'T! In my opinion, school food is composed mainly of dirt, grime and everything BAD. At school, we have this so called "Cafeteria" a.k.a the Canteen. They serve the coldest, ickiest food my mouth has ever encountered!

Let's start with their Warag 3inab. Ok, so this supposed juicy stuffed grape leaves tastes like raw meat and plastic. Yes, that's how bad it is. It's either hard as a rock, or so soft it's falling apart in your fingers and causing the biggest mess ever!

Ok, grape leaves aside, we have the Little Caesars's pizza. OMG, don't even get me STARTED on that! I mean come oooonnn-.-! It's cold and probably 1 week old judging by the state of the greasy layer of cheese that slouches on top of the ketchup filled dough. The smell alone can cause food poisoning, let alone the germs that sit around in the pizza box.

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